
Get increasing numbers into listview

   Hello sketchers,  In this post were going to get numbers that increase by 1 into a Listview from a Textview. We recently increased numbers by +1 and displayed the process on the textview, check it out ; •Firstly, you need a liststring to store and display the numbers present in it, a button to get numbers from the textview and last but not list, a listview to display the numbers from the liststring . 1: Create a list string   -To create a list string, just go to oncreate, open the bottomsheet by clicking the blue circle, click variables then click add variables to show this dialog Name your list string anything 2: Go to on-button click (Add).   -From here, use the "add to list string" block and "getText" inside it, to add the value from the textview extracted using (textview1).getText block. Next, drag the blocks "setListViewdata" and "refresh" , to ...


Hello Friends today I will give you my little tips on making use of Layouts in Sketchware. This is part of my first series on Basic Features in Sketchware . Layouts are basic widgets in android development. They serve as containers for other widgets (Views). In Sketchware there are two types of Layouts: Vertical Linear Layout and Horizontal Linear Layout. 1.Vertical Linear Layouts: Vertical Linear Layouts are used to hold other views or widgets in a vertical state or order(from top to bottom).see picture for more understanding. 2.Horizontal Linear Layouts: Horizontal Linear Layouts enables developers to arrange other views or widgets horizontal or inline state(from left to right).see picture for more. There are many more layouts in android developments which we did not mention, Such as FrameLayout,Relative Layouts. To get more topic please contact us. Tha...